Google Outlook Contact Sync is a program that will synchronize your Gmail account contacts with your Outlook contacts.
The program can overwrite your Google contacts with your Outlook contacts, or viceversa. By using it, you will always have your contacts up to date, in your Gmail account or your Outlook accounts. As the program works in both directions, using it you will be sure that if you add a contact in any of your email accounts, you will also have that contact available in Gmail, or any Gmail contact in Outlook.
You will need just to give the program your Gmail account username and password, how often you want it to synchronize your contacts, and which contacts will overwrite which ones. The program will show you a session log that will tell you how many contacts were synchronized. It will remain working in the background, just showing a tiny icon in the system tray. Right clicking on it, you will access a context menu that will let you abort the synchronization, change the configuration parameters, look to the Session Log or close the program.